How to Teach Syllables with 5 Fun Ideas!

When it comes to teaching syllables, there are a variety of fun ways that you can do so! But first, Why teach syllables? Syllables are just one of the phonological awareness skills that children need to learn in order to be successful at learning to read. So whether you are wondering how to teach syllables to preschoolers, Kindergarteners, or first graders, Here are five fun ways to teach syllables.

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How to Teach Syllables Using Silly Songs

Silly songs are a great way to teach syllables! I use songs such as The Wheels on the Bus, Old McDonald, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Bingo, Row Row Row Your Boat, or any other fun song that the kids already know.

Start by singing the songs as you normally would. Then break down each word into individual syllables.

Make a game of it! Pass around a ball or bean bag and when the music stops or the teacher says “stop”, the child holding the ball or beanbag, would tell the number of syllables in the last word that was sung.

Make word strips of all the words in the song. Pass out the word strips to the students and have them sort them into the correct categories: 1-syllable, 2-syllable, 3-syllable, or 4-syllable words.

Phonological Awareness Games, Songs, Activities and Worksheets

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Clapping the Syllables in Names

One way to teach syllables is to have your students clap out the number of syllables in each student’s name. My name is Mary so I would clap
“Ma- ry” Once kiddos are comfortable clapping their own names, Have them clap out their classmates’ names. This is a great way to get them moving and engaged in the lesson. Plus, it’s a fun way to teach syllables!

How to Teach Syllables by Using Pictures

One fun way to teach syllables to young children is to use pictures. This can be done with flashcards or by finding pictures in magazines or online. Once you have a selection of pictures, you can help your child identify the number of syllables in each word by pointing to each syllable as you say it. You can also have your child clap or tap out the number of syllables as a way to practice.

Another way to use pictures to teach syllables is to create a game out of it. For this, you will need a selection of pictures that contain words with different numbers of syllables. To play, you will take turns showing a picture to the other player and saying the word. The other player then has to guess how many syllables are in the word. The player with the most guesses at the end of the game wins!

No matter which way you choose to use pictures to teach syllables, your child is sure to have fun while learning this important skill!

Circle Time Posters Songs and Questions Bundle

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How to Teach Syllables by Building Syllables with Blocks

One fun way to teach syllables is to build them with blocks. Say a word and have the children repeat the word and place a block down for each
syllable. After the children have had some practice at this, make it more challenging by having a race to build the words the fastest.
This activity is a great way to help your child learn how to count and say words. It is also a lot of fun!

Children jumping

Clap it! Stomp it! Jump it!

This game is by far, my students’ favorite. First, I say a word such as “dinosaur” and then say “Clap it”, together we clap “din- o- saur”, then immediately I say “Stomp it” and we stomp “din- o- saur”, and ago I quickly saying “Jump it” and we jump “din- o- saur”. We do several words in a row, just like this. It also makes a great “Brain Break” with all of the physical activity.

And there you have it! 5 Fun Ideas for Teaching Syllables!