Early Childhood Education Activities for Preschool Kids
Ready Set Go Preschool
Are you looking for Activities for Preschool kids through first graders? Look no further! Ready Set Go Preschool is here to help.

I’m Mary Setoki and I help preschool through first grade teachers save time and engage all students with hassle-free activities for preschoolers and above. As a former K-12 music teacher, I include songs for preschool in as many resources as I can. Click below to get my guide for circle time preschool songs with a list and recordings of My 10 Favorite Get Up and Move Songs for Preschoolers and Above.
What activities for preschoolers do you need?
Whether you are looking for literacy and language or preschool math activities, I can help! Join my newsletter filled with Early Childhood Education information, tips, ideas, free downloads, and special offers.
Are you wondering about how and what to do during circle time? Wonder no longer! I LOVE CIRCLE TIME; so naturally, the first resources I created were to help teachers plan and carry out amazing circle time preschool activities. Visit my teachers pay teachers to store to download my FREE SEASONS ANCHOR CHARTS AND POSTERS.
While there, check out my other circle time resources including literacy and language, Math Activities, and of course, songs for circle time for preschoolers.
Social Emotional Learning Activities for Preschoolers
Social-emotional learning is another big idea that I strive to include in my resources. Not only do my resources help kids navigate their big emotions, but they also help them learn the social skills necessary to grow up to be good humans who contribute to society.
Don’t miss my blog!
10 Circle Time Activities for Preschoolers that Work
You will learn to keep your students engaged and participating during circle time. Additionally, you will learn strategies to keep circle time moving and how to be flexible when teachable moments happen.